What does eLearning and Blended Learning mean? eLearning means to learn with electronic media. In many descriptions it’s reduced to learning using the internet. That’s basically not VTT-Box Project - consultations in Latina Peter Mazohl and Harald Makl, both from the board of the EBI/EIE, visited Francesca Neiviller (I.T.S. Vittorio Veneto Salvemini) for ICERI 2017 Peter Mazohl, head of the board of the EBI/EIE, was session chair at the ICERI 2017 (International Conference of Education, What is Blended Learning? Blended Learning - simply defined The term Blended Learning is generally applied to the practice of using both online and The Virtual Teachers‘ Toolbox The project aims to create a special virtual toolbox for teachers as a sophisticated tool for developing Open Online Distance Technical Innovation in Blended Learning (TIBL) The project developes C-VET training courses for training performed in formal and in non-formal C-VET education. These courses use Blended « Previous 1 … 9 10 11