DigiComPass – our new project! Digital Competences (DigComp) are crucial for citizens today and in the future. In Europe, the average level in DigComp of e4ALL closing meeting in Lecce (Italy) The project closing meeting of the E4ALL Project took place in Lecce (Italy) from the 6th – the 7th of E4ALL – EPALE Posting: Intergenerational Training In the frame of the E4ALL project, we created a post dealing with intergenerational training and the training of digital CONNECT project meeting EBI/EIE is a partner in the CONNECT project. Peter Mazohl from the EBI attended the Face-to-Face meeting in Portugal at E4ALL - Training in Wiener Neustadt E4ALL means Education For All! In the frame of this Erasmus+ Project, the trainees from 6 different countries came to Modern Learning Spaces for Adult Education The EBI/EIE asked partners from former or current projects about their ideas of optimal learning spaces in the field of Critical Thinking In the frame of the E4ALL Project, the EBI will provide a special workshop focusing on "Critical Thinking". In our E4ALL Meeting Athens The first meeting in the year 2022 took place in Athens (Greece), hosted by Challedu, from February Exchange of good « Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 11 Next »