
Information, facts, activities and background knowledge in the frame of projects

BonJour! Survey Dimension 3: Creating

The questionnaire Creating (of the BonJour! Project) explores key aspects of creativity and interaction with textual information. It examines the ability to combine information from multiple texts, express the same content in various ways, and form impressions by integrating diverse information. It also assesses attitudes toward originality, with a statement suggesting that nothing entirely new can be created. Additionally, it evaluates the ability to recognize and modify text structures and the willingness to discuss new opinions within familiar texts, highlighting critical engagement and openness.

Graphic Create evaluiation Questionnaire
Diagram of the evaluation for the dimension “Create and create” evaluation questionnaire – Diagramm der Auswertung zur Dimension “Erstellen und Schaffen” evaluiation Questionnaire

C2: Combining Information from Different Texts

The respondents express that they enjoy combining information from various sources. This indicates strong synthetic abilities, as they are capable of integrating information and identifying new connections. Additionally, it proves that they act proactively in information processing. Rather than considering individual texts in isolation, they compare and link content to develop a more comprehensive understanding.

The evaluation shows that 14 respondents agree and 10 respondents strongly agree, reflecting clear support for this statement. The majority recognize this competence in themselves.

C6: Expressing Content in Different Ways

This statement highlights that the respondents recognize that a single piece of content can be expressed in various ways. This demonstrates flexibility in thinking, as they are open to alternative perspectives. Additionally, creativity is evident, as they can use different text styles to communicate their ideas.

The evaluation shows a high level of agreement: 10 respondents agree, while 19 strongly agree. This suggests that the majority see this ability as part of their mindset.

C8: Forming Impressions by Combining Information

The respondents form impressions by linking various pieces of information. This reflects good judgment skills, as they evaluate information and arrive at well-founded conclusions. Their ability for cross-linking is also evident, as they do not view information in isolation but integrate it into a complex overall picture.

The results indicate that 14 respondents agree and 14 strongly agree, indicating broad recognition of this competence.

C9: Scepticism About Innovation

The statement that everything already exists and nothing entirely new can be created is viewed sceptically. This suggests a certain reluctance towards innovation. It may indicate that respondents perceive innovation as challenging or consider its potential limited in the context of their experiences.

The evaluation shows that 13 respondents strongly disagree and 7 slightly disagree, suggesting general rejection or low identification with this perspective.

C13: Recognizing and Changing Text Structure

The respondents indicate that they can recognize and adapt the structure of a text. This reflects a high level of text comprehension, as they can analyse linguistic tools and understand the author’s intent. At the same time, they demonstrate text design competence, as they can modify texts to improve them or adapt them to different purposes.

The evaluation shows that 13 respondents agree and 7 strongly agree. These abilities are important to many respondents, though not universally.

C20: Discussing New Opinions

The feedback indicates that the respondents enjoy discussing new opinions presented in familiar texts. This demonstrates a high level of willingness to engage in discussion, as they are open to new perspectives and ready to question their own views. A deep level of text analysis is also evident, as the respondents critically engage with content and reflect on new opinions in a well-founded manner.

The evaluation shows a majority of agreement: 14 respondents agree, and 5 strongly agree. This suggests that most respondents consider this competence important.

About the Survey

The survey aims to explore behaviour and approaches to information. Approximately 150 people aged 50+ across various European countries participated. In Austria, 45 individuals were invited, of whom 31 provided complete responses (response rate: 69%).

The survey was structured into six different dimensions, each containing between three and six questions. The closed-ended questions followed the Likert scale concept with five levels of agreement. Some control questions were formulated to encourage reverse responses. The six dimensions are Information Analysis, Evaluating and Assessing, Creating and Innovating, Remembering, Understanding, and Applying.

Übersetzung in Deutsch
Im Folgenden wird die Übersetzung in Deutsch veröffentlicht, da die Umfrage im Wesentlich deutschsprachige Teilnehmer aus Österreich umfasst.

C2: Informationen aus verschiedenen Texten kombinieren

Der Befragte bringt zum Ausdruck, dass die Befragten gerne Informationen aus verschiedenen Quellen kombinieren. Dies weist auf starke synthetische Fähigkeiten hin, da sie in der Lage sind, Informationen zusammenzuführen und neue Zusammenhänge zu erkennen. Zusätzlich zeigt sich, dass sie in der Informationsverarbeitung proaktiv handeln. Anstatt einzelne Texte isoliert zu betrachten, vergleichen und verknüpfen sie Inhalte, um ein umfassenderes Verständnis zu entwickeln.

Die Auswertung zeigt, dass 14 Befragte zustimmen und 10 Befragte volle Zustimmung äußern, was eine klare Unterstützung dieser Aussage widerspiegelt. Die Mehrheit erkennt diese Kompetenz bei sich selbst.

C6: Inhalte auf verschiedene Arten ausdrücken

Diese Aussage verdeutlicht, dass die Befragten erkennen, dass ein Inhalt auf unterschiedliche Weise ausgedrückt werden kann. Dies belegt die Flexibilität im Denken, da sie offen für alternative Perspektiven sind. Zudem zeigt sich Kreativität, da sie in der Lage ist, unterschiedliche Textstile einzusetzen, um ihre Gedanken zu kommunizieren.

Die Auswertung verdeutlicht eine hohe Zustimmung: 10 Befragte stimmen zu, während 19 volle Zustimmung zeigen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Mehrheit diese Fähigkeit als Teil ihrer Denkweise ansieht.

C8: Eindruck durch Kombination von Informationen

Die Befragten bilden sich einen Eindruck, indem sie verschiedene Informationen verknüpfen. Dies zeugt von einem guten Urteilsvermögen, da sie Informationen bewerten und zu einem fundierten Urteil gelangt. Gleichzeitig wird ihre Fähigkeit zur Querverknüpfung sichtbar, indem sie Informationen nicht isoliert betrachten, sondern in einem komplexen Gesamtbild zusammenführen.

Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl 14 Befragte zustimmen als auch 14 volle Zustimmung geben, was auf eine breite Anerkennung dieser Kompetenz hinweist.

C9: Skepsis gegenüber Neuem

Die Aussage, dass alles bereits existiere und nichts völlig Neues geschaffen werden könne, wird skeptisch betrachtet. Dies deutet auf eine gewisse Zurückhaltung gegenüber Innovation hin. Es könnte bedeuten, dass die Befragten Innovation als schwierig wahrnehmen oder diese im Kontext seiner Erfahrungen für begrenzt halten.

Die Auswertung zeigt, dass 13 Befragte überhaupt nicht zustimmen und 7 wenig Zustimmung äußern, was auf eine allgemeine Ablehnung oder geringe Identifikation mit dieser Sichtweise schließen lässt.

C13: Textstruktur erkennen und ändern

Die Befragten gibt an, die Struktur eines Textes erkennen und anpassen zu können. Dies weist auf ein hohes Maß an Textverständnis hin, da sie in der Lage sind, sprachliche Mittel zu analysieren und die Intention des Autors zu verstehen. Gleichzeitig legen sie Textgestaltungskompetenz an den Tag, da sie Texte modifizieren können, um sie zu verbessern oder an unterschiedliche Zwecke anzupassen.

Die Auswertung zeigt, dass 13 Befragte zustimmen und 7 volle Zustimmung äußern. Diese Fähigkeiten sind für viele Befragte von Bedeutung, wenn auch nicht durchweg.

C20: Diskussion über neue Meinungen

Die Rückmeldungen zeigen, dass die Befragten gerne über neue Meinungen diskutieren, die in bekannten Texten auftauchen. Dies zeigt eine hohe Diskussionsbereitschaft, da sie offen für neue Perspektiven und bereit sind , ihre eigenen Ansichten zu hinterfragen. Ebenso wird eine tiefgehende Textanalyse deutlich, da die Befragten sich kritisch mit Inhalten auseinandersetzen und neue Meinungen fundiert reflektieren können.

Die Auswertung zeigt eine mehrheitliche Zustimmung: 14 Befragte stimmen zu und 5 äußern volle Zustimmung. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass eine Mehrheit diese Kompetenz als wichtig erachtet.

Über die Umfrage

Die Umfrage versucht, das Verhalten und die Herangehensweise an Informationen zu erforschen. Dazu wurden in Europa in etwa 150 Personen aus der Altersgruppe 50+ in verschiedenen Ländern befragt. In Österreich wurden 45 Personen eingeladen, von denen 31 vollständige Antworten lieferten (Rücklauf 69 %).

Die Umfrage gliederte sich in 6 verschiedene Dimensionen, zu denen zwischen 3 und 6 Fragen gestellt wurden. Die geschlossenen Fragen folgten dem Likert Konzept mit 5 Stufen der Zustimmungen. Einige Kontrollfragen wurden für eine umgekehrte Beantwortung formuliert. Die sechs Dimensionen sind Analyse von Informationen, Evaluieren und Bewerten, Erstellen und Schaffen, Erinnern, Verstehen, und Anwenden

Low Threshold Learning

Low Threshold Learning

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time and energy to learn new skills can feel like an overwhelming challenge. That’s why we develop a low-threshold learning platform for the BonJour! Project that makes education accessible, engaging, and flexible for everyone—regardless of background or experience. By integrating micro-learning, a learning-by-assessment approach, and interactive multimedia-based content, the platform adapts to learners’ busy lives. It breaks education into short, manageable steps, encourages active participation through practical tasks, and keeps learners engaged with dynamic, hands-on resources. The result? A flexible, user-friendly environment where anyone can learn, progress, and grow at their own pace.

Learning with a Learning Platform, BonJour! Project
Learning with a Learning Platform – that is sometimes a barrier, especially for people with low digital competencies or for older people too.

What Makes the Platform Unique?

We believe that learning should not be a barrier but an opportunity. By integrating key modern learning approaches, we are working to create an environment that adapts to the learner. Learning platforms can become barriers in the learning process when they are overly complex, requiring technical skills or prior knowledge that many learners may not possess. Additionally, rigid structures, lengthy content, and lack of engaging, interactive elements can overwhelm learners, discouraging participation and progress.

We implement several specific approaches in our considerations:

  1. Micro-learning: Small Steps, Big Results
    Life is busy, and long lessons can be difficult to complete. Our platform breaks learning into short, focused units that can be completed in minutes. Whether it’s during a coffee break or on a commute, learners can achieve real progress one step at a time.
  2. Learning by Assessment: Show What You Know
    We prioritise active learning through a learning-by-assessment approach. Instead of passively absorbing content, learners demonstrate their understanding through quizzes, practical tasks, and interactive exercises. Immediate feedback helps learners see their growth and identify areas to improve.
  3. Interactive and Multimedia-Based Content
    We know that people learn best when they’re engaged. That’s why our platform delivers active, multimedia-based content: videos, interactive exercises, and dynamic resources designed to inspire and involve learners. Education becomes less about memorising and more about doing.

Why It Works

Low-threshold platforms are intentionally designed to be user-friendly and welcoming. They provide a safe space to learn, explore, and fail forward, ensuring that anyone—regardless of digital experience—can benefit. The low-threshold entry point encourages people to start their learning journey without fear of failure.

BonJour! is an Erasmus+ Project (2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000160320), implemented by partners from Italy (coordinator), Poland, Portugal, Austria, and the Republic of Türkiye.

BonJour! Presentation on the ICERI2024 (Seville)

In an era where digital media dominates communication and information, the BonJour! Project addresses a pressing need: enhancing media literacy for older adults. With a focus on equipping seniors aged 55+ with the skills to critically evaluate media, identify fake news, and create their own digital content, this initiative is a step towards bridging the generational digital divide and fostering social activism. As an innovation, media educators are developed. To use a Flipped Learning 3.0 approach, a low-threshold learning platform is developed. All these innovations were presented at the ICERI Conference.

A New Role: Media Educators for the Elderly

One of the project’s key innovations is the creation of a new professional role: Media Educators for the Elderly. Despite the increasing importance of digital literacy, no specialised figures currently address the unique needs of senior learners. By training educators with tailored skills, the BonJour! Project supports older adults and contributes to the professionalisation of this essential field. This type of educator was a minor topic at the ICERI conference.

The Flipped Learning Approach – ICERI Presentation

The Flipped Learning 3.0 (FL3) strategy, developed by Peter Mazohl and Harald Makl, lies at the heart of the project’s methodology. This approach incorporates:

  • An Individual Learning Space: A low-threshold platform designed with accessibility in mind, featuring clear navigation, large fonts, high contrast, simple language, and multimedia content with subtitles.
  • A Group Learning Space: Facilitating collaborative, face-to-face learning to reinforce skills and build confidence.

This innovative framework was showcased at ICERI2024, Europe’s largest conference on education, research, and innovation, where it garnered significant interest and positive feedback from over 800 attendees.

ICERI Conference 2024 - EBI presented the BonJour! Project.
Preparing for the session: ICERI2024 Conference in Seville
ICERI Conference 2024 - EBI presented the BonJour! Project.
The conference room fills – we will start soon!
ICERI Conference 2024 - EBI presented the BonJour! Project.
Peter Mazohl was chair of the session in Adult Education and presented the paper together with Harald Makl.
ICERI Conference 2024 - EBI presented the BonJour! Project.
Harald Makl during the BonJour! Presentation.

Accessible Learning for All

The project’s training course has been meticulously designed to meet the needs of elderly learners, often unfamiliar with digital tools. The platform features:

  • Barrier-free design: Enhancing accessibility with customisable settings, clear layouts, and interactive multimedia content.
  • Engagement tools: Including self-evaluation exercises, interactive videos, and educational games to foster active learning and improve knowledge retention.
  • Focus on essential skills: Prioritising foundational levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy—remembering and understanding—through selective application exercises.

This approach ensures that seniors are not only consumers of media but active participants in the digital world.

The Urgent Need for Media Literacy Across Generations

While the BonJour! Project focuses on the 55+ demographic, the importance of media literacy extends to all age groups. Today, misinformation and fake news spread rapidly, influencing opinions, behaviours, and societal cohesion. Media literacy equips individuals to:

  • Critically assess the credibility of sources.
  • Recognise biases and misinformation.
  • Contribute responsibly to digital discourse.

For seniors, this education is transformative. It reduces isolation, fosters intergenerational communication, and empowers them to engage with society meaningfully. However, for younger generations, media literacy is equally crucial as they navigate a digital landscape filled with unverified information and targeted content.

Driving Change for a Digital Future

The BonJour! Project not only addresses the specific needs of senior learners but also sets a precedent for inclusive, accessible, and impactful media and digityl literacy education. By combining innovative methodologies with a focus on accessibility, this initiative highlights the importance of lifelong learning in a rapidly evolving digital world. Mentioned at the ICERI, As media and digital platforms continue to shape society, empowering all generations with critical media literacy skills is no longer optional—it is essential for a more informed and connected future.

H5P Multimedia-based Content – a game changer in adult education?

H5P Multimedia-based Content – a game changer in adult education?

This is an example of Multimedia-based training content, created in the frame of the DigiComPass Project.

In our example of learning content, we have selected a course presentation with integrated self-evaluation questions. The self-evaluation follows the concept of “Learning by Assessment”. Even if the content has been described and explained before, the feedback to the selected answers delivers further information to the learner. This enables the learner to learn even from the assessment.

About the project

DigiComPass Logo - a multimedia-based training course concept.The described concept comes from the DigiComPass Erasmus+ project. In the frame of this project, the team developed a training course and necessary accompanying material and documents. These are:

  • Pilot courses will be created (and evaluated) on the mentioned items, together with an appropriate recognition model for adults. These developments are summarized in an “Adult Education package” called DigiComPass. The training content is using extensively multimedia and interactivity.
  • The objectives are to create a recognition & course model for Digital Competencies with
  • A pedagogical framework (based on Flipped Learning 3.0)
  • A quality-enhance framework for course creation, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Pilot courses covering the items of the DigComp 2.1 Citizens
  • A recognition model for Europe defining the curriculum, training environment, evaluation and grading, and consistent certification (which could be used internationally as well). The model fits perfectly with the Europass CV. This model should be practicable globally as well.
  • Use of modern digital badges (open badges system) for the recognition model
  • A “floating guide” to define the way of adaptation for future developments.
  • A transferability guide for School Education
  • Establish a European Association to maintain the DigiComPass concept.

Further information

Project number: 2022-1-CY01-KA220-ADU-000085965
Coordinator: University of Cyprus (SEIT Lab)
Partners:  Brainlog (DK), European Initiative for Education (Austria), Prometeo (IT), IFESCoop (ES),     K.A.NE. (GR), FLGlobal (USA)
Contact: EBI (Responsible Project Leader: Peter Mazohl)

A Learning Platform for the Elderly

Elderly people often face unique challenges with technology due to less familiarity and slower adaptation to new digital interfaces, making user-friendly and accessible learning platforms crucial. Cognitive changes with age, such as decreased memory and slower information processing, require simplified and clear instructional designs to facilitate effective learning. Physical limitations, like impaired vision and reduced motor skills, necessitate larger text, high contrast, and easy-to-navigate interfaces. Additionally, elderly learners may feel less confident with technology, so platforms must offer strong support systems, including tutorials and help desks, to build confidence and encourage participation. Social and emotional aspects are also important, as interactive and community-building features can combat isolation and motivate continuous learning. All these issues we face in the BonJour! Project[1].

What is our mission now?

This learning platform is designed to cater specifically to the needs of mature learners aged 55 and above. It fosters a welcoming and accessible environment that empowers individuals to explore their interests, develop new skills, and stay connected.

Designed for Ease of Use

  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform boasts a straightforward design with clear menus, large icons, and easy-to-understand labels. This ensures smooth navigation and minimizes confusion. A consistent layout across all pages further enhances user comfort.
  • Accessibility Features: High contrast themes, adjustable font sizes, and readable fonts make the platform accessible for users with visual impairments. Additionally, the platform is fully compatible with screen readers and offers keyboard navigation for a hands-free experience.

Illustration of a computer screen displaying a learning platform

Engaging Learning Experiences

  • Multimedia Content: Learning comes alive through a variety of engaging formats. Short, informative videos provide clear explanations, while audio lessons cater to those who prefer listening. Interactive quizzes reinforce learning by offering immediate feedback. Slide presentations offer visual support to complement text-based content.
  • Interactive Learning Tools: The platform fosters a sense of community through discussion forums where users can interact, share experiences, and ask questions. Live webinars and virtual classrooms provide real-time interaction with instructors and a more immersive learning environment. Practice exercises offer hands-on opportunities to apply newfound knowledge.

 Personalized Learning and Support

  • Personalized Learning Paths: Initial assessments help tailor learning journeys to individual needs and goals. Users can set and adjust their goals at any time. Progress tracking keeps users motivated by providing clear indicators of their achievements.
  • Support and Assistance: A dedicated help desk offers readily available support for technical issues. Step-by-step tutorials guide users on how to utilize the platform’s features effectively. A comprehensive FAQ section addresses common questions.

Keeping You Motivated

  • Badges and Certificates: Earn badges and certificates for completing courses and achieving milestones, celebrating your accomplishments and keeping you motivated.
  • Gamification: The platform integrates game-like elements such as points, levels, and challenges to keep learning fun and engaging.
  • Peer Support: The platform facilitates community building and fosters a supportive environment where users can connect with peers and encourage one another.

Considerations for Mature Learners

  • Cognitive Load: The platform prioritizes clear, step-by-step instructions and avoids technical jargon. Information is presented in manageable pieces to prevent cognitive overload.
  • Physical Comfort: An ergonomically designed interface and minimal clicks required to access content ensure comfortable use for extended periods.
  • Health and Wellness: The platform encourages breaks to avoid strain and offers options to adjust screen brightness and contrast for optimal eye care.
An elderly person, learning with a Tablet.
Elderly learners need specific support to enable them for efficient and successful learning. This does not address the learning content, but the way the content is delivered by the learning platform.

Additional considerations

Emotional Support: Positive feedback and motivational messages keep users engaged and inspired. The platform fosters a sense of community and belonging, promoting emotional well-being.

Technological Familiarity: Introductory courses equip users with basic digital literacy skills, easing the transition to online learning. The platform supports so-called “Multiple Devices”, this means it is compatible with various devices, including tablets and smartphones, for added convenience.

Privacy and Security: Clear data protection policies ensure complete transparency regarding user data and security. Users are empowered to control their personal information and choose how their data is shared.

[1] The BonJour! Project (Erasmus+ 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000160320)  aims to enhance media literacy among older adults by improving their journalism and digital skills, fostering social activism, and bridging the generation gap in digital proficiency. It focuses on creating a new role, Media Educators for the Elderly, to address this critical need. The project targets adult and senior educators, media educators, and individuals aged 55+. It involves conducting a learning needs analysis, training Media Educators, offering courses to seniors, and developing resources like a handbook, guidelines, and a curriculum. Expected outcomes include establishing a media literacy methodology for the elderly, identifying Media Educator profiles, and creating an e-learning platform and learning materials tailored to seniors.

Bonjour! Survey Dimension 1: Information Analysis

Bonjour! Survey Dimension 1: Information Analysis

This refers to the process of systematically examining and evaluating data, facts, and other relevant information to draw well-founded conclusions. It includes the collection, verification, and interpretation of data, the identification of patterns and trends, and the assessment of the relevance and reliability of information. The goal is to make decisions on a sound and rational basis.

Importance for the 55+ Age Group

The 55+ age group often faces specific challenges and decisions where thorough information analysis is crucial. Here are some examples based on feedback from conversations with people in this age group:

  1. Health and Medicine At this age, the importance of health information increases. The ability to understand and evaluate medical data and research findings helps in making informed decisions about treatments and lifestyle changes.
  2. Financial Planning and Retirement Provision The analysis of financial information is essential to ensure a secure and stable financial future. This includes understanding pension plans, investment opportunities, and insurance products.
  3. Technology and Digitalisation Although many individuals aged 55+ are tech-savvy, the rapid development in digitalisation requires constant adaptation and further education. The ability to filter and analyse relevant information is crucial in this context.
  4. Politics and Society In retirement, many people have more time to engage in political and societal activities. Sound information analysis enables them to better understand political decisions and actively participate in societal discussions.


A challenge for the 55+ age group can be the rapid change and the abundance of available information.

Analysis - BonJour Project Survey


A4: In-depth Analyses of Reality are a Waste of Life (reverse order)

This question implies a prioritisation where living and shaping life is valued more than reflecting or researching reality. It represents a philosophical perspective that places immediate experience and practical living above theoretical and analytical activities.

The responses show that the participants strongly disagree with this statement. Approximately two-thirds of the respondents do not see an in-depth reflection on their life situation and surroundings as a waste of time.

A12: I Enjoy Finding Dependencies Between Seemingly Different Things

This statement expresses a preference for discovering connections or relationships between things that initially appear unrelated. It suggests an inclination towards analytical thinking and a fascination with the complexity and interconnectedness of the world. It demonstrates a curiosity and joy in uncovering hidden links.

The analysis of the responses indicates that two-thirds of the respondents strongly or forcefully agree with this statement. This points to an interest and ability in interdisciplinary thinking, as well as creative thinking and scientific curiosity.
Note: The group surveyed in Austria had a high proportion of people with higher education (77%). In a more representative sample of the general population, different results might be expected.

A17: I Can Identify the Key Parts of a Text

This statement conveys the ability to identify and highlight the essential and relevant information in a text. It also suggests a capability for critical analysis and efficient information processing. This skill is particularly useful in academic, professional, and everyday contexts where large amounts of information need to be processed.

However, it must be considered that identifying key parts can be subjective and depend on the reader’s perspective, potential biases, and goals. More than 90% of the respondents believe they are capable of identifying the key parts of a text.

A24: When I Read a Text, I Look for Connections Between the Information it Contains and Other Texts I Have Read

This statement describes the practice of actively seeking connections or relationships between information in a text and other texts one has previously read. It suggests a deep and reflective reading approach that goes beyond merely understanding the current text and emphasises integrating new knowledge into an existing knowledge network.

This question implies a capability for critical thinking and analysis, recognising connections and differences between various information sources. However, it also highlights the issue of “bias,” where seeking connections can sometimes confirm preconceived opinions by only perceiving information that fits existing beliefs.

More than 66% of respondents agree or strongly agree with this statement, indicating a fundamental approach to critical thinking and intertextual skills among the respondents.

Dimension Analyse von Informationen

Darunter versteht man den Prozess der systematischen Untersuchung und Bewertung von Daten, Fakten und anderen relevanten Informationen, um daraus fundierte Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen. Dies beinhaltet die Sammlung, Überprüfung und Interpretation von Daten, die Identifizierung von Mustern und Trends sowie die Bewertung der Relevanz und Zuverlässigkeit der Informationen. Ziel ist es, Entscheidungen auf einer fundierten und rationalen Basis zu treffen.

Bedeutung für die Gruppe der 55+ Jährigen

Die Gruppe der 55+ Jährigen steht oft vor spezifischen Herausforderungen und Entscheidungen, bei denen eine gründliche Analyse von Informationen entscheidend ist. Hier sind einige Beispiele aus der Rückmeldung von Gesprächen mit Menschen in dieser Altersgruppe:

  1. Gesundheit und Medizin
    In diesem Alter nimmt die Bedeutung von Gesundheitsinformationen zu. Die Fähigkeit, medizinische Daten und Forschungsergebnisse zu verstehen und zu bewerten, hilft dabei, fundierte Entscheidungen über Behandlungen und Lebensstiländerungen zu treffen.
  2. Finanzplanung und Altersvorsorge
    Die Analyse von Finanzinformationen ist entscheidend, um eine sichere und stabile finanzielle Zukunft zu gewährleisten. Dies umfasst das Verständnis von Rentenplänen, Investitionsmöglichkeiten und Versicherungsprodukten.
  3. Technologie und Digitalisierung
    Auch wenn viele 55+ Jährige technikaffin sind, erfordert die rasante Entwicklung im Bereich der Digitalisierung eine ständige Anpassung und Weiterbildung. Hierbei ist die Fähigkeit, relevante Informationen zu filtern und zu analysieren, unerlässlich.
  4. Politik und Gesellschaft
    Im Ruhestand haben viele Menschen mehr Zeit, sich politisch und gesellschaftlich zu engagieren. Eine fundierte Informationsanalyse ermöglicht es ihnen, politische Entscheidungen besser zu verstehen und sich aktiv an gesellschaftlichen Diskussionen zu beteiligen.


Eine Herausforderung für die Gruppe der 55+ Jährigen kann die schnelle Veränderung und die Fülle an verfügbaren Informationen sein.

Interpretation der Umfrage

Analyse von Informationen (BonJour! Project)

A4 Tiefgreifende Analysen der Realität sind eine Verschwendung des Lebens (reverse order)

Diese Frage impliziert eine Prioritätensetzung, bei der das Erleben und Gestalten des Lebens höher bewertet wird als das Nachdenken oder Forschen über die Realität. Es stellt eine philosophische Perspektive dar, die das unmittelbare Erleben und die praktische Lebensführung über theoretische und analytische Tätigkeiten stellt.

Die Antworten zeigen, dass die Befragten überhaupt nicht mit dieser Aussage übereinstimmen. In etwa ⅔ der Befragten sehen keine Verschwendung ihrer Lebenszeit, wenn sie realitätsnahe und tiefergehende Überlegungen zu ihrer Lebenssituation und Lebensumgebung tätigen.

A12 Ich mag es, Abhängigkeiten zwischen scheinbar Verschiedenem zu finden.

Dieses Statement drückt eine Vorliebe für die Entdeckung von Verbindungen oder Beziehungen zwischen Dingen aus, die auf den ersten Blick nicht miteinander in Beziehung stehen. Der Satz suggeriert eine Neigung zu analytischem Denken und eine Faszination für die Komplexität und Verbundenheit der Welt. Es zeigt eine Neugierde und Freude am Entdecken verborgener Zusammenhänge.

Die Auswertung der Antworten zeigt, dass wieder zweidrittel der Befragten diese Aussage stark oder sehr stark bejahen. Dies weist auf sowohl das Interesse wie die Fähigkeiten von interdisziplinärem Denken, wie auch kreatives Denken und wissenschaftliche Neugier hin.

Hinweis: Die in Österreich befragte Gruppe hat einen starken Anteil an Menschen mit höherer Bildung (77 %). In einer der Bevölkerung besser entsprechenden Stichprobe muss man mit anderen Ergebnissen rechnen.

A17 Ich kann die wichtigsten Teile eines Textes herausfiltern.

Der Satz drückt die Fähigkeit aus, die wesentlichen und relevanten Informationen in einem Text zu identifizieren und hervorzuheben. Gleichzeitig suggeriert eine Fähigkeit zur kritischen Analyse und zur effizienten Informationsverarbeitung. Diese Kompetenz ist besonders in akademischen, beruflichen und alltäglichen Kontexten nützlich, in denen große Mengen an Informationen verarbeitet werden müssen.

In diesem Zusammenhang müsste man allerdings berücksichtigen, dass das Herausfiltern wichtiger Teile subjektiv sein kann und von der Perspektive, eventuellen Vorurteilen und den Zielen des Lesers abhängt.

Mehr als 90 % der Befragten schätzen sich so ein, dass sie in der Lage sind, die wichtigsten Teile eines Textes herauszufiltern.

A24 Wenn ich einen Text lese, suche ich nach einem Zusammenhang zwischen den darin enthaltenen Informationen und anderen Texten, die ich gelesen habe.

Diese Aussage beschreibt die Praxis, beim Lesen eines Textes aktiv nach Verbindungen oder Beziehungen zu Informationen aus anderen Texten zu suchen, die man bereits gelesen hat. Das  suggeriert ein tiefes und reflektiertes Leseverhalten, das über das bloße Verstehen des aktuellen Textes hinausgeht und die Integration von neuem Wissen in ein bestehendes Wissensnetzwerk betont.

Im Zusammenhang mit der Frage wird eine Fähigkeit zum kritischen Denken und zur Analyse vorausgesetzt, indem Verbindungen und Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Informationsquellen erkannt werden. Das beinhaltet allerdings das Problem von „Bias“, indem das Suchen nach Zusammenhängen manchmal zu einer Bestätigung voreingenommener Meinungen führen kann, indem man nur die Informationen wahrnimmt, die zu den bereits bestehenden Überzeugungen passen.

Auf diese Aussage antworten mehr als 66 % mit Zustimmung wie starke Zustimmung, was ein Hinweis auf einen grundlegenden Ansatz zu kritischem Denken und intertextuellen Fähigkeiten bei den Befragten besteht.


BonJour! Survey Analysis and Interpretation

BonJour! Survey Analysis and Interpretation
Deutsche Übersetzung

The BonJour! Survey (part of the developing of the Methodology of the BonJour! Project) aims to explore the behaviour and approach to information. Approximately 150 individuals aged 50+ from various countries in Europe participated. In Austria, 45 people were invited, of whom 31 provided complete responses (a response rate of 69%).
The survey was divided into six different dimensions, each with 3 to 6 questions. The closed-ended questions followed the Likert scale with five levels of agreement. Some control questions were formulated for reverse answering. The six dimensions are: Information Analysis, Evaluation and Assessment, Creation and Production, Recall, Understanding, and Application.

BonJour! Survey image picture

The structure of the sample of the 31 participating people is shown in the table. The average age was 67.8 years.

Education Level Percentage
Primary Education 13%
Secondary Education 10%
Higher Education 77%

Survey Analysis: Behaviour and Approach to Information

Here are the links to the evaluations of the individual dimensions:

  • Information Analysis
  • Evaluation and Assessment
  • Creation and Production
  • Recall
  • Understanding, and
  • Application.

Deutsche Übersetzung

Die Umfrage versucht das Verhalten und die Herangehensweise an Informationen zu erforschen. Dazu wurden in Europa in etwa 150 Personen aus der Altersgruppe 50+ in verschiedenen Ländern befragt. In Österreich nahmen wurden 45 Personen eingeladen, von denen 31 vollständige Antworten lieferten (Rücklauf 69 %).

Die Umfrage gliederte sich in 6 verschiedene Dimensionen, zu denen zwischen 3 und 6 Fragen gestellt wurden. Die geschlossenen Fragen folgten dem Likertkonzept mit 5 Stufen der Zustimmungen. Einige Kontrollfragen wurden für eine umgekehrte Beantwortung formuliert. Die sechs Dimensionen sind Analyse von Informationen, Evaluieren und Bewerten, Erstellen und Schaffen, Erinnern, Verstehen, und Anwenden.

Die Struktur der Stichprobe der 31 teilnehmenden Personen ist in der Tabelle dargestellt. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 67,8 Jahre.

Bildungsniveau Prozentsatz
Grundschulbildung 13%
Sekundarschulbildung 10%
Höhere Bildung 77%

Umfrageanalyse: Verhalten und Herangehensweise an Informationen


Media Competence and Digital Literacy of Seniors – the BonJour Project

Media Competence and Digital Literacy of Seniors – the BonJour Project

BonJour LogoThe BonJour Project (Erasmus+ 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000160320) aims to improve media literacy among older adults by enhancing their journalism and digital skills. This will empower them to be more socially active and bridge the digital gap between generations. A new profession, the Media Educators for the Elderly, will be established to address the specific needs of this demographic. The project will involve training these educators, developing media literacy curricula for seniors, and creating an e-learning platform for seniors to become active and critical media consumers. The EBI – as a partner in this project – has undertaken some specific analyses of the focus rounds (with experts, implemented in May, analysing the new role of Media Educators and different points of view on media literacy of seniors). Here is the first summary:

Roles and Responsibilities of Media Educators

Media educators play a vital role in supporting seniors in their digital journey. They should equip seniors with the skills to use digital technologies effectively, while also raising awareness of both the risks and opportunities associated with them. Promoting social inclusion through digital literacy is another key responsibility of media educators.

Educators should focus on teaching core digital competences such as recognizing different types of online content, understanding how the internet and social media work, and developing critical thinking skills. However, fostering a positive learning environment is equally important. By adopting a friendly and non-hierarchical approach, media educators can create a space where seniors feel comfortable asking questions and learning from each other.

Media Educator - symbolic picture created by AI
Media Educator in the On-site Training – working with senior adults.

Core Competences for Media Educators

Several key competences are essential for media educators working with seniors in the frame of the BonJour Project. These include:

  • Pedagogical Skills
    The ability to identify effective learning strategies that cater to the specific needs of older adult learners.
  • Emotional Skills
    Understanding and addressing the anxieties or frustrations seniors may experience while learning new skills.
  • Digital Skills
    Strong digital skills to serve as a role model and provide clear guidance to seniors.
  • Socialization Skills
    The ability to create engaging learning experiences that promote interaction and build a sense of community among participants.

Training and Certifications

Currently, there is a lack of widespread awareness regarding specialized training courses or certifications specifically designed for media educators who focus on teaching seniors.

Pedagogical Approaches and Teaching Methods

Experience-based and transformative learning methods might be most effective for engaging senior learners and making the educational process meaningful. Cooperative learning with clearly defined micro-objectives can also be highly beneficial. However, face-to-face teaching, practical exercises, and demonstrations remain crucial elements in creating a successful learning environment for seniors.

Illustration of Media Literacy
Media Literacy will be taught using a Blended Learning delivery (Based on Flipped Learning 3.0).

Preferred Learning Methods

When it comes to learning methods, seniors tend to gravitate towards concrete approaches such as practical exercises, face-to-face interaction, group work, and video tutorials. Methods that encourage the exchange of experiences and the application of newly acquired skills in real-world scenarios are particularly effective for this demographic.

Practical Issues in Creating Learning Material

Accessibility is a key consideration when developing learning materials for seniors. This includes using larger font sizes, increased line spacing, and clear, concise language. Self-assessment tools and cooperative evaluation methods can also help to reduce feelings of anxiety or inadequacy among learners. Basically, the team will select an active learning approach. The team will also create a learning platform with multimedia-based and interactive training materials.

Challenges Faced by Elderly Learners in the BonJour Project

Several challenges can hinder seniors’ ability to learn new digital skills. Age-related difficulties like vision problems or motor skill limitations can create obstacles. Additionally, some seniors may be hesitant to change their established routines or may fear appearing outdated. Psychological barriers such as the fear of making mistakes can also impede progress.

Overcoming Challenges

Media educators can address these challenges by creating tailored learning modules that cater to the specific needs and abilities of seniors. Designing lessons that are relevant to their personal experiences and providing ample opportunities for practice are also crucial. Motivating senior learners by emphasizing the benefits of digital competence and demonstrating how these skills can enhance their lives is essential for promoting continued engagement.

Use of Technology in Teaching

Various digital tools can be incorporated into lessons for seniors, including the Office Suite, web browsers, PDF editing tools, and even social media platforms. However, it is important to prioritize familiar and accessible technologies such as smartphones and commonly used applications.

While some seniors may be comfortable using platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp, navigating unfamiliar platforms can present challenges. Repetitive practice and confidence-building activities are essential for overcoming these hurdles.

Responsible Sharing of News

Media educators in the Bonjour Project play a critical role in teaching seniors about responsible news sharing. This includes emphasizing the importance of verifying information before sharing it and teaching them to critically evaluate sources and cross-check information.

Quality Control in Journalism

Quality control in journalism is paramount. Media educators should impress upon seniors the importance of verifying information from reputable sources and cross-referencing information with relevant authorities to ensure accuracy. The ever-evolving media landscape presents a challenge to maintaining quality, but critical thinking skills are essential for navigating this complex environment.

Media Literacy in the BonJour! Project.

Media literacy is crucial for both younger and older generations. Educators play a vital role in teaching everyone to critically evaluate the information they encounter and to avoid the pitfall of accepting information at face value. Developing strong research skills and fostering a culture of persistence and critical thinking are essential components of media literacy education.

Algorithmic Influence

The rise of algorithms and the creation of information bubbles are significant challenges in today’s media landscape. Media educators should raise awareness of these issues and encourage seniors to seek out diverse sources of information to gain a well-rounded perspective.