
Information, facts, activities and background knowledge in the frame of projects

Flipped Learning 3.0 for adults – in a cross-generational setting

Flipped Learning 3.0 for adults – in a cross-generational setting

This is the new challenge for  the EBI/EIE!

In the frame of the E4All (Education for All) project we will develop a special learning experience to convey flipped learning to educators inexperienced in this learning and training framework. The course will take place in Wiener Neustadt (in 2022).

Trainers from the staff of fife European Adult Training organizations will take part. The age distribution is fascinating: The participants will be between 20 and 65+ years old and thus offer the opportunity to plan, carry out and evaluate cross-generational learning within the framework of a flipped learning 3.0 setting.

Implementing Virtual Group Space

The frame conditions of the course force to implement both a virtual group space and an f2f group space for the final training. Here is the structure of the training:


The training will take place in Wiener Neustadt, Austria in Spring next year.


If you are interested to participate in this training please contact the organizer, Mr. Peter →  Mazohl. He can agree individual trainings or – if there are free places – even a participation in the training provided in the frame of the E4All project!

European Cultural Heritage Database

European Cultural Heritage Database

The EBI/EIE is partner in the CICERO Erasmus+ Project 2018-1-SE01-KA204-039051. Currently the EBI/EIE team is develloping IO #2, the ECH Database.

This is the first screen shot of the webpage hosting the database of the “European Cultural Heritage Image Database”.

This  is an outcome of the CICERO project and will offer CC-4.0 licensed pictures of typical European Heritage. The images are free to use (except for commercial use) and will cover various topics representing the treasure of European Culture.


The European Commission describes European Cultural Heritage as

“… a rich and diverse mosaic of cultural and creative expressions, an inheritance from previous generations of Europeans and a legacy for those to come.

It includes natural, built and archaeological sites, museums, monuments, artworks, historic cities, literary, musical and audiovisual works, and the knowledge, practices and traditions of European citizens.

Cultural heritage enriches the individual lives of citizens, is a driving force for the cultural and creative sectors, and plays a role in creating and enhancing Europe’s social capital. It is also an important resource for economic growth, employment and social cohesion, offering the potential to revitalise urban and rural areas and promote sustainable tourism.”

Images for this database are taken from the upcoming photo contest that will take place in the frame of the project as well.



Education for All – Logo developped

Education for All – Logo developped

The Greek partner in the project – Challedu – developped the logo for the project. This project aims to support the adult educators at designing, delivering and promoting more attractive and inclusive education for all generations of adult learners.

Partners in this project are Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Madrid-Villaverde, Spain; Challedu, Greece; ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE EDUVITA E.T.S.. Italy; Europäische Bildungsinitiative / European Initiative for Education, Austria and Ecological Future Education, Latvia. The project coordinator is Fundacja Alternatywnych Inicjatyw Edukacyjnych from Poland.

The European Initiative for Education (EBI/EIE) will impact with the specific knowledge about Flipped Learning 3.0. Here we will use results from the Flipped Adult Education project where the EBI/EIE is project coordinator.

Certified Flipped Learning Teacher

Peter Mazohl, the president of the EBI, advanced to a certified Flipped Learning teacher. He attended the course, provided by the Flipped Learning Global Initiative (link:

Flipped Learning 3.0 is well established and researched in various educational fields: Comprehensive in School Education, excellent in Higher Education, and also very well in Vocational Education and Training. The white space on the educational map is the field of Adult Education (AE). This was the reason to set-up a joint project with the Flipped Learning Global Initiative and the European Initiative for Education to develop the first guide for implementing Flipped Learning 3.0 in AE.  

Peter Mazohl’s studies in Flipped Learning 3.0 last from 2017 and were based on his broad knowledge and praxis in teaching and training in the last 40 years. The Flipped Learning Certificate is a kind of recognition of the teaching and training competence and in some was a legitimation to work as an expert in the dissemination and implementation of Flipped Learning 3.0 in Adult Education.

Further information about the courses offered by the Flipped Learning Global Initiative:

About the Flipped Learning Global Initiative

The Flipped Learning Global Initiative (FLGI), is a worldwide coalition of educators, researchers, technologists, professional development providers and education leaders in 49 countries who are committed to effectively reaching every student every day through Flipped Learning. 

Jon Bergmann

Jon Bergmann is one of the pioneers of the Flipped Class Movement. Jon is leading the worldwide adoption of Flipped Learning by working with governments, schools, corporations, and education non-profits. Jon is coordinating or guiding Flipped Learning initiatives around the globe including China, Taiwan, Korea, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, the Middle East, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Canada, India, South America, and the United States.

Work with Chromebook

Work with Chromebook

In the frame of the InterMedia project, we started a praxis test using a Chromebook. We want to test in which environment a Chromebook can be used and how day-to-day work with the device is structured.

The first experience is mixed: We found advantages as well as obstacles.


  • Very quick device (has an I5 processor)
  • Nice to work with the touchscreen
  • Supports a mouse as pointing device
  • Long working time (from the battery)
  • Well-done connection to WiFi


  • Does not support standard programs (Word, Photoshop, …)
  • Local storage restricted
    “What to do if you are not connected to the internet?”
  • Dependent on a WiFi connection to the internet

About the author: Peter Mazohl is researcher, trainer, and project manager.

Education for All E4all

The EBI is partner in the project “Education for All” (More attractive and inclusive education for all generations) that starts officially with December 1st, 2020. The coordinator Fundacja Alternatywnych Inicjatyw Edukacyjnych invited the project partners to a first virtual meeting where the partners could see for the first time, present their organisation and start the communication process. The five partners in the group are

  • Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Madrid-Villaverde (Spain, Madrid)
  • Challedu (Greece, Athens)
  • Associazione Culturale EduVita E.T.S (Italy, Lecce)
  • Europäische Bildungsinitiative (Austria, Wiener Neustadt)
  • Ecological Future Education (Latvia, Gulbene)

Aims of the project

The general aim of the project is to support the adult educators at designing, delivering and promoting more attractive and inclusive education for all generations of adult learners.

Participants and target groups

The direct target group of the project includes the members, workers, co-workers, educators and volunteers of the Third Sector adult education organisations (i.e. Civil Society Organisations, including informal groups, Non-governmental organisations and other non-profit organisations).
The indirect target group include wide range of education – related organisations, institutions and decision makers.

Which devices do your students/learners use?

Which devices do your students/learners use?

To use multimedia and interactivity learners must be equipped with modern devices that enable to display the content. In addition, it must be possible to work with this content, which includes not only viewing and reading but also saving, changing or creating new content.

The extent to which these activities are carried out often depends on the type of training. Language learning, for example, might be structured differently than learning scientific content.

The first step in our project is to get an overview about the used devices in modern, technology-enhanced learning. Therefore, we did a small survey among trainers, friends and former or current project partners.

You still may contribute to the brainstorming survey. Use the QR-Code and enter your prefered device in this AnswerGarden form.

SEMIFIT Seminar for Intercultural Trainers

SEMIFIT Seminar for Intercultural Trainers

Stefanie Mayrwöger attended the SEMIFIT Seminar for intercultural trainers, on Project Design under Erasmus+, from 1st to 6th of December 2018 in Almuñécar, Spain. The week was structured in panel discussions, presentations and workshops, which were all designed and held by the participants. During the seminar all participants found themselves in different roles, such as documentarists, speakers, workshop leaders and marketers. Tools and methods were shown, projects presented, and ideas shared. The aim of the seminar was to create an open space for youth trainers, learning designers and educators to talk about difficulties, tips and ways to improve their skills in project design and management of (inter)national projects.

Here is a video from the event (produced by Steffi)

The variety of topics, that were covered and discussed, was extensive. Therefore, workshops took place, in which the group focused on difficulties in international projects, active learning through games, and how to calculate important factors in project management. In several presentations certain project management methods, successfully designed projects, and the work with open source and free licences were showed. Also, panellists talked about the topic of managing projects including groups with different or difficult social backgrounds. All in all, it was a very enriching week with a big amount of useful knowledge and interesting minds.

Here are some impressions from the work and the working environment.