CONNECT project meeting

EBI/EIE is a partner in the CONNECT project. Peter Mazohl from the EBI attended the Face-to-Face meeting in Portugal at the University of Porto. The meeting took place on June 3rd, 2022, and all project partners people were present. The meeting focused on DISSEMINATION
INTENSIVE STUDY PROGRAMME (Presentation of dissemination related actions Student, Enrolment, Logistics, Budget for ISP, ISP Schedule,
Distribution of responsibilities, Description of metrics to be used, Time plan, Stakeholder Engagement), MULTIPLIER EVENTS (Feedback, Multiplier Event Report, Dissemination), and the IO2: EHEALTH COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE (Feedback and recommendations, Implementation of interactive eLearning Modules).
Here is a slideshow from the meeting.
About the CONNECT project
Our project focuses on the Romanian national priority of “Tackling skills gaps and mismatches” by delivering an education program that engages students from across European countries to enable continuous innovation and entrepreneurship in the European eHealth sector. The main focus of the CONNECT project is on issues of eHealth innovation, state-of-the-art training, and education of students necessary on the health market, in the form of a highly and systematically organized formal and non-formal educational program to improve knowledge, develop cross-sectoral skills and competences, entrepreneurship and support students’ critical thinking required to improve health care.
The developed project results are a Community of Practice Platform and a Distance Learning Platform containing eight course modules.