
Information, facts, activities and background knowledge in the frame of projects

Project presented at the EDEN Conference 2018 (Genoa)

Project presented at the EDEN Conference 2018 (Genoa)

Peter Mazohl will present the European Erasmus+ project the “Virtual Teachers Toolbox” (VTT-Box) at the EDEN conference in Genoa (in June 2018). This 2-year project aims to create a special virtual toolbox for teachers as a sophisticated tool for developing Open Online Distance Learning (OODL) courses which means open, online, flexible and technology enhanced education (OOFAT).

Example of a self evaluation mandala (taken from the VTT-Box pilot course about electric circuits)

As a complete innovation, the self-evaluation mandala is implemented as a motivating tool. It is a graphical pattern to collect the pre-competence of the learners and to compare it with the learning outcomes. Another innovative tool is the toolbox which helps the teachers to create correct mandalas and supplies the teachers with information and knowledge to create the courses easily. A specific pedagogical approach is developed in the frame of the project.

Several frameworks developed by the European Commission (EC) in the frame of former projects are also part of the project and used in the toolbox. In particular, the DigiCompEdu2.0 framework is used as well as the E-xellence quality framework developed by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) for course development, course creation and implementation and the course evaluation. The used learning platform is Moodle 3.X.

This project uses a strategic cooperation between formal and non-formal/informal educational providers using ICT based teaching and the enhancement of digital integration in learning. It will be enhancing teachers’ professional development and support students‘ acquisition of values, skills and competences.

The partners in Erasmus + project VTT-Box 2017-1-ES01-KA201-028199 are:

  • Colegio Internacional Costa Adeje (Spain), coordinador
  • Europäische Bildungsinitiative (Austria)
  • T.S Vittorio Veneto Salvemini (Italy)
  • University of Crete (Greece)
  • Swedish Association for Distance Education (Sweden)

VTT-Box Project – consultations in Latina

VTT-Box Project – consultations in Latina

Peter Mazohl and Harald Makl, both from the board of the EBI/EIE, visited Francesca Neiviller (I.T.S. Vittorio Veneto Salvemini) for consultations and the first planning of the VTT-Box Erasmus+ Project begin of September 2017 in Latina.

The aim of the meeting was the planning and structuring of the courses that should be developed during the project. Besides this, many organisational and structural issues were discossed and taken in account for the kickoff meeting of the project, which will take place in Wiener Neustadt in October 2017.


This project aims to develop special Distance Learning courses, an innovative self-evaluation method and an appropriate transferability guide.

Technical Innovation in Blended Learning (TIBL)

Technical Innovation in Blended Learning (TIBL)
Working with a tablet during distance learning

The project developes C-VET training courses for training performed in formal and in non-formal C-VET education. These courses use Blended Learning as a technology enhanced method and focus on the use of multiple devices (as used by the trainees an everyday life). The innovation is the implementation of a trainee-focusing pedagogical framework based on heutagogy, the development of an all-encompassing quality enhancement framework (including also the pedagogy) and the approach to the diversity of various technical equipment (the multiple devices). The project is complementary to a Grundvig Multilateral project by transferring the theoretical developed outputs to a practical implementation in a different (but similar) educational sector.

The project combines knowledge and experience from VET training institutions with the research and innovation potential of universities.

  1. The applicant SAFA is an important Spanish school foundation focusing on school and vocational education,
  2. EFQBL is a VET and trainers education organisation and was founded as a dissemination tool out from a Blended Learning Multerlateral Grundtvig Project,
  3. DigiLab from the University La Sapienza and the
  4. University of Aveiro are specialised in innovation in technology enhanced training and the related pedagogy.
  5. SADE is a specialist in Distance Learning and quality enhancement frameworks.

These participants ensure a consortium well-distributed in Europe.

The project results impact to the trainer community in Europe providing innovative and modern training (based on Blended Learning and including workplace-based training) with a technology enhanced approach to training using multiple devices.

EBI/EIE was founding member of the EFQBL and still is close connected to this organisation.

Web page of the project

TIBL Project Logo

The webpage of the project offers considerations about Blended Learning, the use of multiple devices, pedagogical considerations in context with the training and the specific training conditions in web-based C-VET training and the working trainees.

The created project results including the developed toolbox are free for use.