eLearning Quality Fields

The use of eLearning and Distance Learning is increasing and plays a more and more important role in the teaching environment. Here are some quality characteristics of eLearning (focusing on the learner):

Sorting some images instead of contribution to the learning.
  • Learning goal: What does the learner want to learn?
  • Learning motivation: Why does the learner want to learn?
  • Learning setting: Activities surrounding the learning object
  • Time: How much time does the learner have to learn?
  • Culture and language: Learners are in a multi-cultural context as well in a multilingual environment (especial in Europe)
  • Educational level: Age and learning background of the learners
  • Accessibility: Access for all (also disabled of handicapped people; in Germany called barrier-free access).

The images show a teaching situation where the motivation of the students is not-existing and the eLearning (in a face to face environment) fails …

No motivation: facebook is more interesting!







eLearning Quality Fields
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