H5P Multimedia-based Content – a game changer in adult education?

This is an example of Multimedia-based training content, created in the frame of the DigiComPass Project.

In our example of learning content, we have selected a course presentation with integrated self-evaluation questions. The self-evaluation follows the concept of “Learning by Assessment”. Even if the content has been described and explained before, the feedback to the selected answers delivers further information to the learner. This enables the learner to learn even from the assessment.

About the project

DigiComPass Logo - a multimedia-based training course concept.The described concept comes from the DigiComPass Erasmus+ project. In the frame of this project, the team developed a training course and necessary accompanying material and documents. These are:

  • Pilot courses will be created (and evaluated) on the mentioned items, together with an appropriate recognition model for adults. These developments are summarized in an “Adult Education package” called DigiComPass. The training content is using extensively multimedia and interactivity.
  • The objectives are to create a recognition & course model for Digital Competencies with
  • A pedagogical framework (based on Flipped Learning 3.0)
  • A quality-enhance framework for course creation, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Pilot courses covering the items of the DigComp 2.1 Citizens
  • A recognition model for Europe defining the curriculum, training environment, evaluation and grading, and consistent certification (which could be used internationally as well). The model fits perfectly with the Europass CV. This model should be practicable globally as well.
  • Use of modern digital badges (open badges system) for the recognition model
  • A “floating guide” to define the way of adaptation for future developments.
  • A transferability guide for School Education
  • Establish a European Association to maintain the DigiComPass concept.

Further information

Project number: 2022-1-CY01-KA220-ADU-000085965
Coordinator: University of Cyprus (SEIT Lab)
Partners:  Brainlog (DK), European Initiative for Education (Austria), Prometeo (IT), IFESCoop (ES),     K.A.NE. (GR), FLGlobal (USA)
Webpage: www.digicompass.eu
Contact: EBI info@advanced-training.at (Responsible Project Leader: Peter Mazohl)

H5P Multimedia-based Content – a game changer in adult education?