The EBI/EIE organized the training event for the Flipped Adult Education project in Málaga, Spain (together with the Spanish partner Asociación Juvance).
The training took place February 2nd – February 5th, the venue was our partner organization Arrabal aid (also located in Málaga) and the University of Málaga.
The activities focused on the identification of different groups of adult learners, the DigComp 2.0 Framework for learners & trainers, ideas to “Flip the Learning”, an idea collection for the implementation of flipped learning in the target group of adults. Furthermore, the “heutagogical approach” was discussed, the possibilities of integration the DigComp (Digital Competences) in flipped courses as well as ideas and concepts for new flipped adult courses have been discussed.
Another focus was on active training methods with case studies (in a workshop and split group work) and finally the group worked with the e-Xcellence framework for course development, implementation, and support (that has been developed by the EADTU European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and which is a reference for the distance learning courses).