The EBI/EIE is partner in the CICERO Erasmus+ Project 2018-1-SE01-KA204-039051. Currently the EBI/EIE team is develloping IO #2, the ECH Database.
This is the first screen shot of the webpage hosting the database of the “European Cultural Heritage Image Database”.
This is an outcome of the CICERO project and will offer CC-4.0 licensed pictures of typical European Heritage. The images are free to use (except for commercial use) and will cover various topics representing the treasure of European Culture.
The European Commission describes European Cultural Heritage as
“… a rich and diverse mosaic of cultural and creative expressions, an inheritance from previous generations of Europeans and a legacy for those to come.
It includes natural, built and archaeological sites, museums, monuments, artworks, historic cities, literary, musical and audiovisual works, and the knowledge, practices and traditions of European citizens.
Cultural heritage enriches the individual lives of citizens, is a driving force for the cultural and creative sectors, and plays a role in creating and enhancing Europe’s social capital. It is also an important resource for economic growth, employment and social cohesion, offering the potential to revitalise urban and rural areas and promote sustainable tourism.”
Images for this database are taken from the upcoming photo contest that will take place in the frame of the project as well.
The EBI/EIE signed a cooperation contract with the Flipped Learning Global Initiative (USA) for the new project about Flipped Adult Education.
The FLG will impact to the project and provide a “supervision” on the developed handbook for Flipped Learning. The special role of the FLG in the project will be
Be an associate partner to the project
Provide tactical and strategic-planning support and guidance
Participate in the initial project partners planning-session in Vienna
Review the final project outcomes before publication
Jon Bergmann and Errol Smith wil be personally involved in the development of the project’s results. The impact from the FLG and the knowledge collected by the pioneers of flipped learning will enrich the project and care for high-level results.
Peter Mazohl, head of the board of the EBI/EIE, was session chair at the ICERI 2017 (International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation) for Gender Education.
Peter Mazohl, for the second time presenting a paper at the ICERI
At this conference, he presented two papers from the current research:
Taking Notes – Technology enhanced Teaching (TET) vs Handwriting
This paper presents a study comparing the note-taking in the Technology Enhanced Teaching environment with traditional note-taking using paper and pencil (with no specific additional methods except marking keywords with a highlighter)
Teaching science Subjects to girls – the Analogous comparison and transfer Method (ACAT)
This paper presents a kompletly new and innovative approach to teach physics to 16 – 18 years old female learners.
Peter Mazohl also had the pleasure, to meet Jon Bergmann, the developper of flipped learning, at thic conference and to talk with him in an interesting discussion.
Jon Bergmann, the developer of flipped learning, as a guest at the ICERI 2017
The project aims to create a special virtual toolbox for teachers as a sophisticated tool for developing Open Online Distance Learning (OODL) courses which means open, online, flexible and technology enhanced education (OOFAT). The mixture of of the partners ensures the necessary competences, values, skills and knowledge for developing an innovative approach to OODL. This project uses a strategic cooperation between formal and non-formal/informal educational providers using ICT based teaching and the enhancement of digital integration in learning. It will be enhancing teachers’ professional development and support students‘ acquisition of values, skills and competences.
The 5 consortium members are well distributed in Europe:
University of Crete, GR (specialised in innovative education) will focus on supporting students‘ acquisition of skills and competences,
EBI/EIE, AT is a teacher training institution with experienced in Distance Learning impacts in enhancing teachers’ professional development and in OODL
The I.T.E Vitorio Veneto, IT and
Colegio Internacional Costa Adeje, ES are two high schools (offering a multicultural background) with different orientation in
teaching and experienced in eLearning and modern teaching methods.
The Colegio Costa Adeje is the coordinator in the project.
The Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE) has a special focus on OODL and OOFAT and provides experience in quality enhancement systems.
The VVT-Box methodology focuses on items which are either not yet common or still missing in Open Online Distance Education as a
Innovative approach to OODL
Appropriate quality enhancement framework
Innovative and completely new motivating self-evaluation method for students (Mandala method)
New developed innovative tool for course creators
Special training course for teachers to implement the new methods in course creation
Transferability and evaluation guide to enable the transfer to other educational fields
The „European Initiative for Education“ (EIE) is an international (European) private Non-Profit education and training organization in Austria (legal status: association). There are offices in Wiener Neustadt / Austria, Adeje/Spain, and in Athens/Greece.
EIE’s mission is to endorse an innovative approach to education, training, and culture; this is done by using the method of „Blended Learning“ as an advanced technique of education and training. A new challenge for us is the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Community.
The EIE is integrated into a network of similar institutions in Europe; there are training organizations, educational establishments, research and development centers, public authorities, specialists etc.
The scope of courses is focused on Technology Enhanced Learning (formerly called e-learning) with the learning platforms Moodle, Blended Learning; Multimedia (Interactivity and Multimedia Content), Content Management Systems, Presentation Techniques, and Project Management.
The EBI/EIE is not only a training association but also involved in research. The research team of the EBI publishes regularly the current research results and is involved as a speaker at international conferences, for example, the ICERI (in Seville).
We are actively involved in the Erasmus+ Programme and offer:
Training in the Frame of KA 1 projects (training for teachers, trainers, and adult learners)
Strategic Partnerships – KA 2 projects
Since the autumn 2013, the EBI/EIE is involved in European Projects or coordinates one. In 2015, the EBI/EIE and other partners from the BladEdu founded the European Foundation for Quality in Blended Learning, EFQBL, as a dissemination tool for Blended Learning. In consequence, the EBI/EIE cooperates regularly with this organization.
VTT-Box (School Education)
This project has been finished in November 2019.
This project has been finished in November 2019.
Flipped Adult Education (Adult Education)
This project has been started in 2018 and finished finally in August 2021 (Prolonged due to COVID-19)
DigiComPass (Adult Education)
This project aims to develop a course package to increase digital competencies of adults (following the DigComp 2.1 Framework)
BonJour! (Adult Education)
The project aims to enhance media literacy among older individuals through journalism and digital skills training, fostering social activism and bridging generational digital divides by establishing a pool of media educators tailored for the elderly, supported by a methodology, professional profile identification, training curriculum, and an e-learning platform.
CICERO (Adult Education) This project was dealing with digital competencies and digital photography. It was started with the Kickoff Meeting in Wiener Neustadt and finished with a final meeting at the University of Stockholm.
The project was awarded as a “Project of Good Practice” by the Swedish National Agency.
TEST (School Education) This school project focusing on the development of multimedia-based learning tools for science subjects started in the autumn of 2018 and has been finished in 2021.
CONNECT (Higher Education)
The project cares about the development of an innovative multidisciplinary and cross-sectional curriculum for students from the computer and information, health, and social sciences background.
InterMedia (Adult Education)
This project cares about multimedia and interactivity in learning.