Peter Mazohl


BonJour - Project LogoThe objective of the BonJour! project is to enhance media literacy among older individuals by focusing on journalism and digital skill improvement. This effort aims to foster social activism among seniors and bridge the generation gap in digital proficiency. A key aspect of the plan involves establishing a pool of Media Educators for the Elderly, a role that is currently lacking despite its pressing need. The target groups include adult educators, senior educators, media educators, as well as individuals aged 55+ and senior learners.

The implementation strategy includes conducting a learning needs analysis for seniors in media education, providing training for Media Educators for the Elderly, and offering courses for seniors to enhance critical thinking and ICT skills through media literacy and journalism. Additionally, the plan involves creating a handbook and guidelines for Media Educators, developing a curriculum for seniors, and launching a pilot program where elderly individuals actively contribute to media and digital content creation.

Expected outcomes include the establishment of a methodology for Media Literacy for the Elderly centered on journalism, the identification of the Media Educator profile, and the creation of a pool of Media Educators for the elderly. Furthermore, the initiative aims to produce a guide for Media Educators, an e-learning platform tailored to seniors’ needs, and tangible learning materials for elderly individuals.


EduVita LogoThe project is coordinated by EduVita, an educational, cultural and intergenerational centre in the heart of Lecce, Southern Italy, founded in 2019.

EduVita is a place of connection between past, present and future: we create learning opportunities to improve the quality of life of elderly and young people through intergenerational dialogue. Our NGO is active both locally and internationally, participating in Erasmus+ research and mobility programmes in the field of Adult Education.

We focus on pedagogical research, innovating teaching and learning processes, designing learning settings and developing new methodologies based on Adult Education and Intergenerational learning approaches.

Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica

PSP LogoFundacja Pro Scientia Publica is a non-profit NGO established in September 2010 in Wroclaw, Poland.
It creates, tests, and adapts senior learners’ curricula and provides high-quality guides for adult educators covering the three main areas: artistic, digital education, and critical thinking.
All courses are designed based on developing competencies for LLL that are essential to citizens for personal fulfilment, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, active citizenship, and social inclusion.

Europäische Bildungsinitiative

EBI Logo - Logo of the European Initiative for EducationThe “Europäische Bildungsinitiative” (EBI) in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, is a non-profit focusing on innovative education, training, and culture for adults and educators. It comprises training, technical, and research departments, offering courses, multimedia and interactive content development, and research on teaching methods. Activities include adult and school education, vocational training, and higher education courses. The EBI team consists of volunteers, including trainers, administrators, and researchers, paid only for specific project work or training activities.
Peter Mazohl and Harald Makl will be coordination the Austrian team.

Contact: info[at]

International Foundation for the Development of Adult Education

IFAE LogoThe International Foundation for the Development of Adult Education (IFAE) was registered on March 2023 in Warsaw, Poland.

The mission of the Foundation is improving the quality of human life and development of civil society through lifelong learning and media education.

Programmes we are currently running:

  • Virtual University ( – short courses and individual classes at Zoom on a wide variety of topics (history, art, literature, psychology, economics, etc.).
  • IFAE MediaLab School ( Online and offline courses for beginners in journalism and blogging
  • School of Media Competences for activists of NGOs
  • BonJour – Enhancing the Critical Media Literacy of the Elderly throught Digital Education and Journalism


Nazilli Hayat Boyu Ogrenme Dernegi

The description is in progress.

My Madeira Island

My Madeira LogoAssociação MY MADEIRA ISLAND is a non-profit association to support the social, economic and cultural development of Madeira Island according to the Sustainable Development Goals.
We contribute to the goals by organizing non-formal educational events and actions for young people and adults, at the local and international level, and online initiatives.
My Madeira focuses on the following areas:

  • Media literacy and critical thinking learning programs for young people and adults;
  • Digital literacy and cybersecurity;
  • Storytelling and creative writing, photography workshops, video-making workshops.

We also run an online magazine that talks about the island of Madeira and its people.

BonJour Project – aims, activities, and results

We aim to enhance the media literacy of older individuals through journalism and digital skills improvement, which will, in the long term, aid in their social activism and lessen the generational digital gap. A group of media educators for the elderly will be established; such a role is currently non-existent, yet it is increasingly necessary today.

Target Groups

  • Adult Educators, Senior Educators, Media Educators
  • Adults aged 55+ and senior learners


  • Conducting a learning needs analysis for seniors in media education
  • Providing training for Media Educators for the Elderly
  • Offering training for seniors in critical thinking and ICT skills through media literacy and journalism
  • Developing a Handbook and Guidelines for Media Educators
  • Enhancing the media and digital literacy of elderly individuals through curriculum development for seniors and an e-learning platform
  • Conducting pilot activities for seniors, enabling them to become creators of media and digital content.

Expected Results

  1. A methodology for Media Literacy for the Elderly, focusing on journalism alongside digital skills development
  2. Identification of the Media Educator profile
  3. Creation of a pool of Media Educators for the elderly
  4. A guide for Media Educators of the elderly, including a curriculum for training trainers of seniors and guidelines for adult centres
  5. A low-threshold e-learning platform for media literacy and journalism training for seniors, complete with curriculum and learning materials for elderly individuals.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

CONNECT – results available

CONNECT – results available

Objectives of the Project

Objective 1: Develop an innovative multidisciplinary and cross-sectional curriculum for students from the computer and information, health, and social sciences background, with the main focus on cooperation between sectors for strengthening the existing knowledge, skills, and entrepreneurship, in the first ten months of the project, by an international team of eHealth informal and formal educational providers within partner institutions.

CONNECT Project: eLearning course module (Click on the image opens the course)

Objective 2: Provide one Intensive Study Programme (ISP) to 42 students from computer and information, healthcare, and social sciences backgrounds in mixed working groups in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in September 2022 in order to facilitate student’s challenge-based learning collaborations by having students develop eHealth applications in the form of a project with real implication in the field of eHealth.

Objective 3: Develop a transnational network of key actors from academia, industry, and NGOs to establish collaborations, exchange best practices and facilitate long-distance mentorship for students who graduated from the Intensive Study Programme through an online platform “eHealth Community of Practice” through the end of the project.

Further Information about the CONNECT Project

The sustainability of the project will be ensured firstly by integrating the open-source Curriculum that will be developed by the partners into the course of eHealth at the Department of Public Health, from BBU, as part of their educational program at the Bachelor’s and Masters’s level. Therefore, one of the intellectual outputs of the project will be transferred to them and other interested higher education institutions in order to create a long-term use for our product.

The “eHealth Community of Practice” online platform will be available for at least three years after the project completion period, constituting a transnational network of members from academia, industry, and healthcare and as a mentorship platform for future health innovators.

CONNECT Project: CoP Platform



The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Flipped Learning 3.0 for adults – in a cross-generational setting

Flipped Learning 3.0 for adults – in a cross-generational setting

This is the new challenge for  the EBI/EIE!

In the frame of the E4All (Education for All) project we will develop a special learning experience to convey flipped learning to educators inexperienced in this learning and training framework. The course will take place in Wiener Neustadt (in 2022).

Trainers from the staff of fife European Adult Training organizations will take part. The age distribution is fascinating: The participants will be between 20 and 65+ years old and thus offer the opportunity to plan, carry out and evaluate cross-generational learning within the framework of a flipped learning 3.0 setting.

Implementing Virtual Group Space

The frame conditions of the course force to implement both a virtual group space and an f2f group space for the final training. Here is the structure of the training:


The training will take place in Wiener Neustadt, Austria in Spring next year.


If you are interested to participate in this training please contact the organizer, Mr. Peter →  Mazohl. He can agree individual trainings or – if there are free places – even a participation in the training provided in the frame of the E4All project!

What does ACAT mean?

What does ACAT mean?

This is the acronym for the “Analogous Comparison and Transfer” Method. This pedagogical approach to teaching STEM subjects was developed by Peter Mazohl (EBI/EIE Austria) and published at the ICERI 2017 (International Conference for Education, Research, and Innovation in Seville).

An example for the ACAD transfer in Quantum Physics (What are quantum objects?)

This method means a new pedagogical approach to strengthen female learners in STEM subjects. The method was developed in School Education and focuses on the age of 16 to 18 years old students. The method uses analogous comparisons by taking examples or situations from everyday life and in consequence the logical or analogous transfer to the scientific problem. The method uses the development of imaginations or “pictures in the head” to develop a view of the analogy; this picture is transferred as a problem-solving idea to the concrete scientific problem. Multimedia material like animations are used to provide a higher level of imagination and to develop the understanding for the discussed problem. The method was developed in the disciplines physics, mathematics and computer science and was tested in physics at high school level.

It turned out that male learners also benefit from this approach and get a deeper understanding in the fields of science.

To proof the ACAT method and to test the usability and get some reference to the published study an ERASMUS+ KA2 School Project was started (with December 2018). The project’s outcomes will be several examples of the implementation of the ACAT method, tested and evaluated in a Spanish, an Irish, and finally in a Swedish school.

New Project launched: CICERO

New Project launched: CICERO

The EBI/EIE (Austria) is partner in a new project “Enhancing Digital Competence through Photography” about digital competences. The project partners come from Spain, Greece, and Portugal. The official coordinator is the University of Stockholm, Sweden. The application has been written by Peter Mazohl (from the EBI/EIE) with peer reviewing of Harko Verhagen from the University of Stockholm.

Digital Photograpy is closely connected with Digital Competences

The objectives of this project are to develop and implement special courses for adults teaching Digital Competences by Photography. Learners learn to take digital images of certain quality, to develop digital competences (using the DigComp 2.0 framework [1]), editing images, use of images in medias and other related competences. A photo contest will be used to motivate learners (and other adults) to submit their photos; these images will be published in the European Cultural Heritage Database.

This approach of teaching digital competences is new: There are elements of project-based learning in combination with Blended Learning. The training method behind is active and group-based learning.

In the project, different types of adults are going to be targeted: younger adults (to increase their digital competences and to give them better chances on the working market), older adults (to prevent the exclusion of society due to missing digital competences) and disadvantaged people living on remote places (for example Greek islands).

The developed courses will provide the (more or less) same content und use the identical pedagogical approach, but be developed, implemented, performed and evaluated to the specific target groups.

One of the aims of the project is to organize an European Photo Contest (out of the participating partners and their trainees) to collect images showing “European Heritage”. This contest will be open for all Europeans and be a means of dissemination of the project.

[1] DigComp Framework:

Image source: Pixabay (CC0 License)

Project presented at the EDEN Conference 2018 (Genoa)

Project presented at the EDEN Conference 2018 (Genoa)

Peter Mazohl will present the European Erasmus+ project the “Virtual Teachers Toolbox” (VTT-Box) at the EDEN conference in Genoa (in June 2018). This 2-year project aims to create a special virtual toolbox for teachers as a sophisticated tool for developing Open Online Distance Learning (OODL) courses which means open, online, flexible and technology enhanced education (OOFAT).

Example of a self evaluation mandala (taken from the VTT-Box pilot course about electric circuits)

As a complete innovation, the self-evaluation mandala is implemented as a motivating tool. It is a graphical pattern to collect the pre-competence of the learners and to compare it with the learning outcomes. Another innovative tool is the toolbox which helps the teachers to create correct mandalas and supplies the teachers with information and knowledge to create the courses easily. A specific pedagogical approach is developed in the frame of the project.

Several frameworks developed by the European Commission (EC) in the frame of former projects are also part of the project and used in the toolbox. In particular, the DigiCompEdu2.0 framework is used as well as the E-xellence quality framework developed by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) for course development, course creation and implementation and the course evaluation. The used learning platform is Moodle 3.X.

This project uses a strategic cooperation between formal and non-formal/informal educational providers using ICT based teaching and the enhancement of digital integration in learning. It will be enhancing teachers’ professional development and support students‘ acquisition of values, skills and competences.

The partners in Erasmus + project VTT-Box 2017-1-ES01-KA201-028199 are:

  • Colegio Internacional Costa Adeje (Spain), coordinador
  • Europäische Bildungsinitiative (Austria)
  • T.S Vittorio Veneto Salvemini (Italy)
  • University of Crete (Greece)
  • Swedish Association for Distance Education (Sweden)

VTT-Box Project – consultations in Latina

VTT-Box Project – consultations in Latina

Peter Mazohl and Harald Makl, both from the board of the EBI/EIE, visited Francesca Neiviller (I.T.S. Vittorio Veneto Salvemini) for consultations and the first planning of the VTT-Box Erasmus+ Project begin of September 2017 in Latina.

The aim of the meeting was the planning and structuring of the courses that should be developed during the project. Besides this, many organisational and structural issues were discossed and taken in account for the kickoff meeting of the project, which will take place in Wiener Neustadt in October 2017.


This project aims to develop special Distance Learning courses, an innovative self-evaluation method and an appropriate transferability guide.

What is Blended Learning?

What is Blended Learning?

Blended Learning – simply defined

The term Blended Learning is generally applied to the practice of using both online and in-person learning experiences when teaching students (Abbott 2014). This term has developed for many years with changing interpretations.

Blended Learning means a teaching method, where face-to-face teaching is combined with distance learning. The teaching process is supported by the use of an appropriate learning platform. The term eLearning (modern: Technology Enhanced Learning TEL) in this document refers to the platform-supplied distance learning.

What does Blended Learning mean?

Blended Learning is a teaching method and no pedagogical or didactical concept. Blended Learning describes the technique used for teaching. This means teaching highly connected with the use of ICT. ICT offers new opportunities but also new challenges for both instructors and students (Redmond 2011). Teachers and trainers change their working place and reduce the time used in the traditional brick-and-mortar environment. Students get the independency to decide, what, where, when and how they learn during the distance learning.

Structure of Blended Learning courses

Hint: This post summarizes the results of the BladEdu project.
Text & Graphics: (c) 2016 Peter Mazohl


Abbott, S. (2014): The glossary of education reform. Blended Learning Definition. Available online at
Redmond, Petra (2011): From face-to-face teaching to online teaching – Pedagogical transitions. Available online at